No Equipment Version 1

NO EQUIPMENT - Version 1

Warm Up Options:

1 = 3 Rds: 8x Air Squat, 6x Russian Twists, 4x Push Ups

2 = 2 Rds: 4x lunges, 4x Pillar Press (4/side), 4x push ups

3 = 10 Min Jog/Bike/Row/Speed Walk/Up and Down stairs

Workout Options

1 = 15 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) - 0:30s Wall Sit, 0:30 Plank hold, 0:15 right elbow/palm down side plank, 0:15 Deadbug Home, 0:15 left elbow/palm down side pl - to start add a 15s rest between each move if needed.

2 = As Fast As Possible - 50x Burpees

3 = 8 rds: 5x lunge right leg, 30s Deadbug Home, 5x lunge left leg, 10x Russian Twists, 10x Step Ups (5 with each leg leading - Use a stair / bench / sturdy chair)

4 = 15 min AMRAP - 30s High Knees, 10x Plank Hip drops, 10x Air Squats

Cool down/Core

1 = 2 rds of 12s Jane Fonda’s do each of the 4 moves for 12 seconds then switch legs end up going thru each leg twice)

2 = 4 rds of 10s work 3s reset of a plank hold - everything TIGHT

3 = 2 rds: 10x Hamstring Hell