TRX - 1
TRX - 1 - Beginner - Just getting started at LFFF
Each day warm up 5 minutes on treadmill/rower/airdyne/walk to Industrial and back.
Then choose one of the following:
3 rounds of
5x TRX Squat
5x TRX Low Row
5x/side TRX Hip Drop
3 rounds of
5x/side TRX Lunge
4x/side TRX Alligator Row
4x/side TRX Power Pull
3 rounds of
3x 10s Plank + 10s rest or Plank Variation
3x 10s Bridge + 10s rest
5x TRX Y-Fly
3 rounds of
5x/leg Box Step ups
30s Farmer Carry
Take your time getting started. If you need more challenge add a round or double the reps. As you start you should leave something in the tank after each session.
Spend another 5 minutes on the treadmill/rower/airdyne/walk to Industrial and back.