Strength / Conditioning NO BArbell


Warm ups:** 5 minutes pick a machine then choose one..

  1. 10 min walk - with at least 3x 20s jogs tossed in

  2. 3 rds: 5x Burpee + 20s rest

  3. 500m row + 3 minutes of 30s Air Squat w/ 15s rest

  4. 4x Sun Salutations + 5 min easy walk/jog

  5. 3 rds: 5x Air Squat, 4x Push Ups, 5x EOs

  6. 6 min: 100m Row, 4x Push Ups, 6x Box Step Ups

  7. 3 rds: 30s Deadbug, 10x Pillar Press, 10x Hands Only Inchworms, 10x PVC Front Squat

  8. 3 rds: 7x Scap Pull Down, 30s Contralateral Deadbug, 15s Staggered Stance Arm Swing, 5x Pull Ups (use band)

  9. 3 rds: 5x Athletic Stance Burpee, 5x Scap Pull Down, 20x Banded Walks - forward, backward, lateral

  10. 2 rds: 30s Contralateral Deadbug, 30s Plank, 10x Wall single drills/leg, 10x High Knees

  11. 3 rds: 15 calories Airdyne, 5x/side Spiderman w/ Vertical Reach, 30s/side Torso Stretch

  12. 5 rds: 20s 4-way Deadbug, 3x Inchworm Hands Only, 5x/side Knee Hug Lunge w/ Horz Twist


*** each lift is preceded by a 3x3 of warm up..

*** Each week / day add weight or reps or SPEED. Box steps/lunges remain unloaded until full control has been reached (no wobbles, shaky knees etc. - be patient ). Complete the lifts sequentially, if you are not in 4x / week then just follow the pattern of lifts.

MONDAY = 3 rds: 5x TRX Squat / Goblet Squat - 3 rds: 5x Dumbbell Press

TUESDAY = 3 rds: 5x Romanian Deadlift - 3rds: 5x TRX Row / Ring Row- 3rds: 5x/side Box Steps


THURSDAY = 3 rds: 5x TRX Squat / Goblet Squat - 3 rds: 5x Dumbbell Floor Press

FRIDAY = 5 rds: 3x Dumbbell Clean and Press - 3 rds: 5x TRX Bicep Curl - 3 rds: 5x/side Reverse Lunge

Conditioning: ** Choose one

  1. 10 min Grind: 10x Russian Kettlebell swing, 8x Russian Twist, 10x Ball Slams, 4x/side Dumbbell Push Press

  2. 8 rds every 90s: 4x (total) Rotational Ball Slam, 3x Burpee Broad Jump

  3. 10 min Grind: 6x Burpee, 6x Push Ups, 6x Face Down Back Extensions

  4. Buy Out: 40x Wall Balls, 20x Push Ups, 20x Box Jumps

  5. A. Tabata: TRX Squat Jump B. Tabata: Burpees

  6. 4 rds: 30s Double Horizontal Hop, 20s Wall Sit, 30s Box Jumps, 20s Wall Sit, 30s Touch Jump Touch rest 60s between rounds collectively we call this the Lateral Movement Work Capacity Combo

  7. 2 rds: 10x KB Swing, 1x Push up, 15x KB Swing, 2x Push up, 25x KB Swing, 3x Push up, 50x KB Swing - Rest 60s

Cool Down/Core: **Choose one

  1. 4x Sun Salutations

  2. 2 rds: 15s Jane Fondas

  3. 4 rds: 20/20 Standing Founder, 20/20 kneeling founder, 10x EOs, 10x Face Down Back Ext (start with 15/15, 8x if needed) Collectively this is called our Low Back Complex or LBC

  4. 2 rds: 8x Hamstring Hell

  5. Tabatta - 8 rds: 20s work + 10s rest = Deadbug

Every two weeks add to these.. Sun Salutations bump up to 8x, Jane Fonda’s to 20s per movement, #3 is ok to hold as listed (start this one with less time/reps, referred to as the LBC - low back complex), Hamstring Hell bump up to 10x then 12x etc.